Arithmetic Operators
- Arithmetic Operators are,
- + Additive (also for String concatenation)
- - Subtraction
- * Multiplication
- / Division
- % Remainder
- By seeing above symbols hope everyone knows what ll happen with corresponding operators. Appreciate for your remembrance.
+ Addition
❏ adds one value to another value and produces the result
❏ Joins the two String values and gives us result
- Subtraction
❏ Subtracts one value from another value and produces the result
* Multiplication
❏ Multiplies one value with other value and produces the result
/ Division
❏ It divides the value and produces the result
% Remainder
❏ The remainder of the Division operation
Program : All arithmetic Operations
Program : All arithmetic Operations
Program name :
Output :
x + y = 30
x - y = -10
x * y = 200
y / x = 2
x % 3= 1
class OpeDemo1
public static void main(String args[])
int x = 10;
int y = 20;
int add= x + y;
System.out.println("x + y = " + add);
int sub = x - y;
System.out.println("x - y = " + sub);
int mul = x * y;
System.out.println("x * y = " + mul);
int division= y / x;
System.out.println("y / x = " + division);
int mod = x % 3;
System.out.println("x % 3 = " + mod);
Compile : javac
Run : java OpeDemo1
Output :
x + y = 30
x - y = -10
x * y = 200
y / x = 2
x % 3= 1
Program : + Operator using with String objects
Program name :
Output :
Hello Please dont sleep
class OpeDemo2
public static void main(String args[])
String firstValue = "Hello";
String secondValue = "Please dont sleep";
String result= firstValue + secondValue ;
Compile : javac
Run : java OpeDemo2
Output :
Hello Please dont sleep
Thanks for your time.
Thanks for your time.