Wednesday, 2 November 2016


Servlet topics

1. Basics

1.7 HTTP protocol
1.8 response & request
1.9 GET & POST
1.10 MIME type
1.11 Web page
1.12 URL
1.13 Structure of web site
1.14 Web server role
1.15 CGI

2. Web app structure

2.1 Container terminology
2.2 Deployment Descriptor
2.3 What is compile
2.4 What is deployment

3. Servlet terminology

3.1 Servlet
3.2 Life cycle of Servlet
3.3 GenericServlet
3.4 HttpServlet
3.5 ServletRequest
3.6 ServletResponse
3.7 HttpServletRequest
3.8 HttpServletResponse
3.9 RequestDispatcher
3.10 Servlet by Annotation
3.11 SingleThreadModel
3.12 Attributes

4. Avoid Hard code

4.1 ServletConfig
4.2 ServletContext

5. Applications

5.1 Login application
5.2 Register application
5.3 Upload file
5.4 Download file

6. Session terminology

6.1 Cookies

6.2 Hidden Form Field

6.3 URL rewriting

6.4 HttpSession

 7. Limitations

 7.1 Servlet may not suit every time

 8. MVC terminology

 8.1 What is M
 8.2 What is V
 8.3 What is C
 8.4 MVC application