Monday 3 April 2017

Big data

Big data

Seems to be just seven letters word but once we start the discussion then I’m sure it might take days to finish the discussion, anyway let me define in a simple way. 
  • Big data means, an amount of data in the size of GBs, TBs, PBs, etc.
  • Organization are generating data on regularly means it is reaching Big Data definition.
  • The generated and generating data can be structured, semi-structured and unstructured.
  • If data is in small size then its very easy to store and process the data.
  • If the data is growing and growing and if it reaches to Big data definition then need to face challenges to store and process the data.
  • So, to handle this situation a special mechanism or techniques are required to handle.
  • Current traditional mechanisms and techniques may not work efficiently to handle this huge amount of data. 
  • So, to handle this types of data legacy techniques may not fit.
Thanks for your time.