Data and Information
Thanks for your time.
- Currently we are living in data world.
- Computers and the hosted applications might be generate characters, numbers and symbols while performing operations.
- We can say this is data.
- This data is important for future purpose.
- It resides in electronic devices and might be ordered and unorganized.
- Sometimes we can say this is raw data also.
- So, need to store this data for future purpose.
- Example : 120557
Data processing
- The data may not understand clearly.
- So, need to process and organize the data and make it structure to get into meaningful.
- We can say this is information.
- Basically information will come from data.
- The characteristics of information are correctness and completeness and meaningful.
- Example
- Date : 12/05/57
- Time : 12:05:57
- Money : $1,20,557
Data processing
- Data processing means converting the raw data into meaningful information
Example 1
- The history of weather temperature in this world since 100 years is nothing but data.
- Processing the 100 years of weather data to find out global temperature.
- After process and organize the data, we can find out the how the global temperature is rising.
Example 2
- Per month the number of visitors of website (
- The visitors visiting data will be stored in log file.
- Processing the huge log file data to find out the visitors traffic in specific country.
- After process and organize the data, we can find out the traffic from specific country, means
- From India traffic is more and
- From U.S traffic is very less.
Thanks for your time.