Chapters Index
- What is Python
- Where are all python is using?
- History of Python?
- Why the name was python?
- Python versions
- Python supports Functional and OOPs as well
- Solving a few requirements by using C, Java and python
- Machine language
- Translator
- Interpreter
- Compiler
- Python keywords (33)
- Features of Python
- Flavors of Python
- Python versions
- Programs
- Installing Python on Windows OS
- Ways to write a python program
- Python program execution steps
- Understanding first python program
- First python program executing by using python IDLE
- Python program internal flow: Short answer
- Python program internal flow: Long answer
- Python Virtual Machine
- JIT Compiler
- Programs
- What is an identifier?
- Why should we follow naming conventions?
- Rules to define identifiers in Python:
- Summary points about rules
- Validating identifier names by taking examples
- Python program total identifiers in a simple table
- Smart suggestions while writing identifiers
- Indentation and Comments
- Programs
- What is variable?
- Properties of variable
- Creating variable
- Invalid cases for variables
- Multiple variables in a single line
- Single value for multiple variables
- Variable re-initialization
- Programs
5. Data types in python
- What is data type?
- type()
- Different types of data types
- Built-in data types
- Numeric types
- int data type
- float data type
- complex data type
- bool data type (boolean data type)
- None data type
- Sequences in Python
- str data type
- bytes data type
- bytearray data type
- list data structure
- tuple data structure
- range data type
- Accessing range values
- set data structure
- dictionary data structure
- User defined data types
- Converting from one data type into another data type.
- Programs
- Why should we learn about input and output?
- Input and output
- Convert from string type into another type
- eval() function
- Command line arguments
- IndexError
- len() function
- Programs
- Why should we learn about flow control?
- Flow control
- Sequential flow
- Conditional flow
- Looping flow
- Sequential statements
- Conditional or Decision-making statements
- if statement
- if else statement
- if elif else statement
- Looping
- while loop
- for loop
- Infinite loops
- Nested loops
- Loops with else block (or) else suit
- Where loops with else block flow is helpful?
- break statement
- continue statement
- pass statement
- return statement
- Programs
9. String in python
- Gentle reminder
- What is a string?
- i. Definition
- ii. Definition
- String is more popular
- Creating string
- When should we go for triple single and triple double quotes?
- Multi-line string objects
- Empty string
- Accessing string characters
- Indexing in string
- Python support two types of indexes
- Positive index
- Negative index
- Internal representation
- Slicing in string
- Internal representation
- Default values
- String several cases in slicing
- What is Immutable?
- Strings are immutable
- Mathematical operators on string objects
- Interesting about + and * operators
- Addition (+) operator with string
- Multiplication (*) operator with string
- Length of the string
- Membership operators
- Comparing strings
- Removing spaces from String
- Predefined methods to removes spaces
- Finding substrings
- index() method
- Counting substring in the given String
- Replacing a string with another string
- String objects are immutable, Is replace () method will modify the string objects?
- Splitting of Strings
- Joining of Strings
- Changing case of a String
- Formatting the Strings
- Character data type
10. Function
- General example why function required
- When should we go for function?
- What is Function?
- Advantage of function
- Types of function
- Pre-defined or built-in functions
- User Defined Functions:
- Function related terminology
- Function explanation
- Defining a function
- Calling a function
- Function without parameters
- Function with parameters
- return keyword in python
- return vs None
- Returning multiple values from a function
- Function can call other function
- Understandings
- Functions are first class objects
- Assigning a function to variable
- Pass function as a parameter to another function.
- Define one function inside another function
- function can return another function
- Formal and actual arguments
- Types of arguments
- Positional arguments
- Keyword arguments
- Default arguments
- non-default argument follows default argument
- Variable length arguments
- keyword variable length argument (**variable)
- Function vs Module vs Library:
- Types of variables
- Local variables
- Global variables
- The global keyword
- When we can choose global keyword?
- Recursive function
- Anonymous functions or Lambdas
- Advantage
- A simple difference between normal and lambda functions
- Where lambda function fits exactly?
- filter() function
- map() function
- reduce() function
- Function Aliasing
- Function decorators
- Decorator explanation
- Steps to create decorator
- @ symbol
- Function generators
- next(generator) function
- Programs
11. Modules
- What is module?
- import module
- Renaming or aliasing a module
- from and import keywords
- import * (star symbol)
- member aliasing
- Reloading a Module:
- dir() function
- The Special variable __name__
- Programs
12. Package
- What is package?
- Advantage
- Programs
13. List Data structure
- Why should we learn about data structures?
- Python Data structures
- Sequence of elements
- Introduction about list data structure
- Creating list
- Creating empty list
- Creating list with elements
- Creating list by using list() function
- Difference between list() function and list class
- list having mutable nature
- Accessing elements from list
- Accessing list by using index
- What is Indexing
- Accessing list elements by Slicing
- Accessing list by using loops
- Important functions and methods in list
- len() function
- count() method
- append method
- insert() method
- Difference between append and insert
- extend() method:
- emove() method
- op() method:
- Difference between remove() and pop() methods
- Ordering elements of List:
- reverse():
- sort() method:
- Aliasing and Cloning of list objects
- Aliasing list visualization
- Cloning or Copying
- By using slice operator
- By using copy method
- Mathematical + and * operators
- Concatenation operator +
- Repetition operator *
- Comparison of lists
- Membership operators
- Nested Lists
- list comprehensions
- Programs
14. Tuple data structure
- What is tuple data structure?
- When should we go for tuple data structure?
- Single value tuple
- Different ways to create a tuple.
- empty tuple
- Single value tuple
- Tuple with group of values
- By using tuple() function
- Accessing elements of tuple:
- Accessing tuple elements by using Index
- Accessing tuple elements by using slice operator:
- Tuple vs immutability:
- Mathematical operators on tuple:
- The concatenation operator (+):
- Multiplication operator (*)
- Important functions and methods of Tuple:
- len() function
- count() method
- index() method
- sorted() function
- min() and max() functions:
- Tuple packing
- Tuple unpacking:
- Tuple comprehension
- Differences between List and Tuple:
- Programs
15. Set Data structure
- What is set data structure?
- What symbol is required to create set?
- Set elements separated by what?
- Creating set by using same type of elements
- Creating set by using different type of elements
- Creating set by range() type of elements
- Difference between set() function and set class
- Empty set
- Important function and methods of set:
- add(x) method
- update(x, y) method
- Difference between add() and update() methods in set?
- Which of the following are valid for set s?
- copy() method
- pop() method
- remove(x) method
- discard(x) method
- clear() method
- Mathematical operations on the Set
- union() method
- intersection() method
- difference() method
- symmetric_difference():
- Membership operators: (in and not in)
- Set Comprehension
- Remove duplicates in list elements
- Frozen set
- Creating frozen set
- Programs
16. Dictionary data structure
- What is dictionary data structure?
- What symbol is required to create set?
- Create dictionary
- Empty dictionary
- Access values by using keys from dictionary
- How to handle this KeyError?
- Update dictionary
- Removing or deleting elements from dictionary
- By using del keyword
- We can delete total dictionary object
- clear() method
- Important functions and methods of dictionary
- dict() function
- dict({key1:value1, key2:value2}) function
- dict([tuple1, tuple2])
- len() function
- clear() method
- get() method
- pop() method
- popitem() method
- keys() method
- values() method
- items() method
- copy() method
- Dictionary Comprehension
- Programs
17. OOPS Part 1 – class, object,
variables, methods etc
- Before OOPS
- Limitations
- After OOPS
- Advantages
- Is Python follows Functional approach or Object-oriented approach
- OOPs (Object Oriented Programming Principles)
- Features of Object-Oriented Programming System
- class
- i. Definition 1
- ii. Definition 2
- How to define a class
- A brief discussion about class
- self variable
- object
- Why should we create an object?
- What is an object?
- i. Definition 1
- ii. Definition 2
- iii. Definition 3
- iv. Definition 4
- Syntax to create an object
- Calling instance data
- Can we create more than one object?
- Constructor
- What is the main purpose of constructor?
- When constructor will be executed?
- How many times constructor will be executed?
- Is constructor mandatory to define?
- Can I call constructor explicitly like a method?
- How many times constructor will be executed?
- A constructor can contain how many parameters?
- If constructor having no parameters, then how to define?
- If trying to print self variable
- If constructor having more parameters, then how to define?
- Difference between methods and constructor
- Types of Variables:
- Instance variables:
- What is an instance variable?
- Separate copy for every object
- Where should we declare an instance variable?
- By using constructor
- The __dict__ attribute
- By using the instance method
- By using the object name
- Accessing instance variable
- By using self variable
- By using the object name
- Every object has a separate copy of variable exists
- static variable (class level variable)
- What is a static variable
- Where can we declare a static variable?
- Only one copy of the static variable to all objects
- How can we access a static variable?
- Instance Variable vs Static Variable
- Declaring static variable
- Inside class and outside of the method
- Inside constructor
- Inside instance method
- Inside classmethod
- class name
- cls variable
- Inside the static method
- @staticmethod declarator
- Accessing static variable
- Inside constructor
- Inside instance method
- Inside classmethod
- Inside staticmethod
- Local variable
- What is local variable
- Why we need to use local variable
- Where can we access local variable
- Types of methods
- Instance methods
- What is the use of Setter and Getter Methods
- Setter method
- Getter Method
- Class Methods
- What is class method
- When we can go to class methods
- @classmethod decorator
- How to access class methods
- static Methods
- How to declare static method
- How to access static methods
- Passing members of one class to another class
- Inner classes
- Garbage Collection
- What is the main objective of Garbage Collector
- How to enable and disable Garbage Collector in our program:
- Importance functions in gc module
- gc.isenabled()
- gc.disable()
- gc.enable()
- Programs
18. OOPS Part 2 – Inheritance
- What is inheritance
- Conclusion of the story
- Advantage
- How to implement inheritance
- Types of Inheritance:
- Single Inheritance
- Multi-level Inheritance
- Multiple inheritance
- Parent classes can contain a method with the same name
- If parent classes contain a method with the same name, then which method will access by the child class
- Scenarios
- Constructors in Inheritance
- If child class and superclass both having constructors, then?
- Calling superclass constructor from child class constructors
- Method Resolution Order (MRO)
- There are three principles followed by MRO
- Why should we understand MRO?
- Is there any predefined method to check the sequence of execution of classes?
- Demo program 1 for method resolution order
- Demo Program-2 for Method Resolution Order
- super() function
- Which scenario we can use super() function in a child class to call superclass members?
- Calling method of a specific super class
- Different cases for super() function
- Programs
19. OOPS Part 3 – Polymorphism
- What is Polymorphism
- Duck Typing Philosophy of Python
- Overloading
- What is overloading
- Operator Overloading:
- Is python supports operator overloading?
- How the operator overloading works in python?
- Magic methods
- List of operators and corresponding magic methods.
- Method Overloading
- How we can handle the overloaded method requirements in Python
- Constructor Overloading
- Constructor with Default Arguments
- Constructor with Variable Number of Arguments:
- Method overriding:
- Demo Program for Method overriding
- Constructor overriding
- Calling parent class constructor from child class constructor
- Programs
20. OOPS Part 4 – abstract
class, interface, etc
- In python which things we can make as an abstract?
- There are two types of methods in-terms of implementation
- Implemented method
- Un-implemented method
- So, how to declare abstract method
- abstract method
- abstract class
- If child class missed to provide
abstract methods implementation, then
- abstract class can contain concrete
methods also
- Can abstract class contains more sub classes?
- On which scenario an abstract class contains more than one child classes?
- Abstract class object creation
- Different cases and scenarios for
abstract class object creation
- Interface
- What is an interface?
- When should we go for …?
- i. Interface
- ii. Abstract class
- iii. Normal class or concrete class
- Double underscore (Name mangling)
- __str__(self) method
- Programs
21. Exceptional handling
- Syntax Errors
- Programmer responsible
- Runtime Errors
- Scenarios where runtime errors will occur?
- The normal flow of the execution
- Abnormal flow of the execution
- What we need to do if a program terminates abnormally
- What is an Exception?
- Is it really required to handle the exceptions?
- What is the meaning of the exception handling?
- Default Exception Handing in Python:
- Exception hierarchy diagram
- Programmer focus
- Handling exceptions by using try except
- i. try block
- ii. except block
- try-except flow
- Control flow in try and except
- i. 7 cases and scenarios with examples
- Printing exception information
- try with multiple except blocks
- Single except block can handle multiple exceptions
- Default except block
- finally block
- Why separate block for clean-up activities, can’t we write inside try and except blocks
- Coming to the try block
- Coming to the except block
- What is the speciality of final block?
- Control flow about finally block
- i. few cases and scenarios with examples
- Any situation like, finally will not execute?
- Control flow in try-except-finally
- i. 6 cases and scenarios with examples
- Nested try-except-finally blocks
- i. 4 cases and scenarios with examples
- else block with try-except-finally
- At what time which block
- Various possible combinations of try-except-else-finally
- Types of Exceptions
- Predefined Exceptions
- User-defined Exceptions
- User-defined exceptions or Custom Exceptions
- Steps to follow to Define and Raise Customized Exceptions
- Programs
22. File IO
- What is a file
- Types of Files
- Text files
- Binary Files
- file modes and their meanings
- Opening a File
- Various properties of File Object
- Writing data to text files
- Instead of overriding the content, how to append the content to the file
- writelines(argument)
- Reading Character Data from text files
- readline() method
- readlines() method
- with keyword
- Advantage
- The seek() and tell() methods
- How to check a specific file exists or not?
- sys.exit(0)
- Program to print the number of lines, words and characters present in the given file?
- Working with Binary data
- Working with csv files
- Zipping and Unzipping Files
- To create Zip file
- To perform unzip operation
- Working with Directories
- To know contents of directory
- Pickling and Unpickling of Objects
- Programs
23. Database connectivity
- Data Storage Areas
- Temporary Storage Areas
- Permanent Storage Areas
- File Systems
- Databases
- Python Database Programming
- Standard Steps for Python database Programming
- import database specific module
- Establish Connection.
- Create Cursor object
- In-built methods to execute the sql queries
- commit or rollback
- Fetch the result from the Cursor
- close the resources
- Important methods while working with Database
- i. connect()
- ii. cursor()
- iii. execute()
- iv. executescript()
- v. executemany()
- vi. commit()
- vii. rollback()
- viii. fetchone()
- ix. fetchall()
- x. fetchmany(n)
- xi. close()
- Working with Oracle Database
- Installing cx_Oracle:
- How to Test Installation
- Expected common errors while executing programs
- Programs
24. Regular expressions
- What is Regular expression?
- When should we choose?
- The main important application areas of Regular Expressions are
- compile()
- finditer()
- On Match object we can call start(), end() and group() methods methods
- Character classes
- Pre-defined Character classes:
- Quantifiers
- Important functions of re module
- i. match()
- ii. fullmatch()
- iii. search()
- iv. findall()
- v. finditer()
- vi. sub()
- vii. subn()
- viii. split()
- ix. compile()
- ^ symbol
- $ symbol
- Programs
25. Multithreading
- Multi-Tasking
- Process based Multi-Tasking
- Where multi-tasking fits?
- Thread based Multi-tasking
- Where multi-tasking fits
- Areas of multi-threading
- The ways of Creating Thread in Python
- Creating a Thread without using any class
- Creating a Thread by inheriting Thread class
- Creating a Thread without inheriting Thread class
- Without multi-threading
- With multithreading
- Setting and Getting Name of a Thread:
- How to get and set name of the thread
- Thread Identification Number (ident):
- active_count()
- enumerate() function
- isAlive()
- join() method
- join(seconds) method
- Daemon Threads
- Example: Garbage Collector
- setDaemon() method
- Default Nature
- Main Thread is always Non-Daemon
- Scenarios from previous program
- Synchronization
- How to overcome data inconsistency problems?
- How to implement synchronization
- i. Lock
- ii. RLock
- iii. Semaphore
- Synchronization By using Lock concept:
- acquire() method
- release() method
- Lock()
- Problem with Simple Lock
- RLock()
- Demo Program for synchronization by using RLock:
- Difference between Lock and RLock
- Synchronization by using Semaphore
- How to create a Semaphore object?
- BoundedSemaphore:
- Difference between Lock and Semaphore
- Inter-Thread Communication
- Interthread communication by using Event Objects
- Methods of Event class
- set()
- clear()
- isSet()
- wait() | wait(seconds)
- Interthread communication by using Condition Object
- Methods of Condition
- Interthread communication by using Queue:
- Important Methods of Queue
- Types of Queues
- FIFO Queue
- LIFO Queue
- Propriety Queue
- Programs
26. Logging module
- Why Logging is required?
- What is Logging
- The main advantages of logging
- Can we use print statement for debugging?
- logging module
- How to implement Logging
- How to configure log file in over writing mode:
- How to Format log messages:
- To display only level name:
- To display levelname and message
- Add timestamp in the log messages:
- change date and time format
- Writing Python program exceptions to the log file
- Problems with root logger
- Need of Our own customized logger:
- Advanced logging Module Features
- Logger
- Steps for Advanced Logging
- Demo Program for File Handler:
- Programs
27. Data Science
- What is Data science?
- Where python is using in Data science?
- Data science programs by using python
28. IDEs explanation
- IntelliJ
- PyCharm