JSE(Core Java) topics
1.First Page in Java
1.4 Basics 1.5 Java Tokens 1.5.a) Reserved words 1.5.b) Identifiers 1.5.c) Literals 1.5.d) Operators 1.5.e) Separators 1.6 Conversation
2.1 Software 2.2 Story 2.3 Translator
2.4 Java compiler 2.5 JVM 2.6 Java Interpreter
2.7 JIT compiler
3.Java Program
4.Java Virtual Machine ( JVM )
5.Java coding standards
6.Data types
9.Control Statements
9.1 Statements 9.2 flow of control 9.3 if
9.4 if else 9.5 if else if 9.6 switch
9.7 loops 9.8 do while 9.9 while
9.10 for 9.11 nested for 9.12 for each
9.13 break 9.14 continue 9.15 return
10.Input and Output
12.String class
13.StringBuffer ans StringBuilder classes
16.Components in any Java program.
19.Type casting
20.Abstract class
23.Exception Handling
24.Wrapper classes
25.Collection framework
2.1 Software 2.2 Story 2.3 Translator
2.4 Java compiler 2.5 JVM 2.6 Java Interpreter
2.7 JIT compiler
3.Java Program
4.Java Virtual Machine ( JVM )
5.Java coding standards
6.Data types
6.1 Data type 6.2 Types 6.3 Size & Rang
6.4 Default values
7.1 Variable 7.2 declaration 7.3 assignment
7.4 Instance 7.5 static 7.6 local
8.Operators7.4 Instance 7.5 static 7.6 local
9.Control Statements
9.1 Statements 9.2 flow of control 9.3 if
9.4 if else 9.5 if else if 9.6 switch
9.7 loops 9.8 do while 9.9 while
9.10 for 9.11 nested for 9.12 for each
9.13 break 9.14 continue 9.15 return
10.Input and Output
12.String class
13.1 What 13.2 ways to create 13.3 literal
13.4 new 13.5 where it is living 13.6 Mutable
13.7 Differences
13.4 new 13.5 where it is living 13.6 Mutable
13.7 Differences
14.OOPs basic definitions
15.Classes and Objects16.Components in any Java program.
16.1 package
16.2 class
16.3 interface
16.4 constructor
16.5 instance : variable, method, block
18.Polymorphism19.Type casting
20.Abstract class
23.Exception Handling
24.Wrapper classes
25.Collection framework
25.4 Collection 25.5 List 25.6 ArrayList
25.13 Map 25.14 HashMap 25.15 LinkedHashMap
Thanks for your time.